Type: Secondary

Arsin Yeşilce Özel Eğitim Meslek Okulu

Our school was opened in 2017. It was opened to improve the basic life skills of individuals who are under the age of 23, who cannot benefit from general and vocational secondary education programs, who have mild intellectual disabilities and who need special education, and to enable them to adapt to society and gain skills […]

Základná Škola Jozefa Horáka

We are a Primary and Lower secondary school (students aged 6-15). We have about 370 students divided into nine years. The school is in the historical Town of Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia, inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1993. The town is also located in the heart of Štiavnica Hills, which is a protected […]

Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 2

Scoala Gimnaziala nr.2 is a public, comprehensive school. It provides general education according to Romanian Education Law. Our school’s mission is to efficiently combine tradition and modern teaching in order to transform our students into European, democratic and performance citizens. We offer quality in education, equality of opportunity, tradition and vision to the future. Our […]


Our school is a Secondary School located in Esparreguera, a city near Barcelona (35 Km more or less). We have an Erasmus+ KA-121 acreditation since 2022 so we are still working on it. Check our project web for further details: https://erasmusaelcastell.blogspot.com/

2nd High School of Pylaia

We are a public high school, situated in Thessaloniki Greece. Our 250 students are 15-18 years old. We are really interested in being more active in Erasmus projects. We believe in the freedom of human beings and in open societies. We educate free people with broad horizons and open societies. We educate free Greeks with […]

Ovidius Highschool

Ovidius High School offers science-oriented specialisations: Mathematics-Informatics and Natural Sciences, some of which also offer a further specialisation in languages (English, French or German intensive study). Our high school students’ age profile is 15 to 19 years old. Since 2000, secondary school classes (ages 10-15) have been created and are now part of our profile. […]