Topic: Digital Transformation

Accreditation 2021-27, KA121 project Our main goals are inclusivity, ICT and life long learning. We are a Hungarian bilingual primary school located in Szeged, Hungary, and we are seeking partners for our Erasmus+ project (KA121). Our school has an accreditation that is valid until 2027. I am the project coordinator for our school’s Erasmus+ programs. Madách is a bilingual state […]

Erasmus + : recherche de partenariats avec des établissements scolaires espagnols

Collège Jacques Monod 1 rue de la Paix 59840 PERENCHIES France   Enseignante d’espagnol : Nathalie GUIROD   Objet : Proposition de partenariat Erasmus+   Madame, Monsieur,   Je me permets de vous contacter au nom du Collège Jacques Monod, un établissement situé à Pérenchies, en périphérie de Lille, en France. Nous avons récemment entrepris […]

Erasmus+ KA2 projects (small scale and strategic partnerships)

Ambitio College is a reliable partner for you! Ambitio College is an adult education and VET provider with 10 years of experience in providing and developing formal and non-formal training programmes in the field of health, tourism, soft skills and sports. We are in idea creation process and we would like to work with other […]

KA121 sch

Alca school is located in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain. It has a long Erasmus history. It is an accredited school and since 2021, we have implemented all types of mobilities,both with students and teachers. In Erasmus we move students from 12 to 17 years old, accommodated in families. We are interested in group mobility, […]

Empowering Literacy in Primary Education

The School Unit hopes to improve teaching and learning by applying effective methodological approaches and practices based on the experience of European organizations (partners), especially for groups of children facing challenges due to their particular characteristics. At the same time, by integrating digital technology more effectively into teaching and learning, we believe that there will […]

Turn Your Face to Nature with Digital Transformation

Searching Partnership for KA122-SCH, 2024-2026 Hi from Turkey. Our school is a central primary school located in Çine district of Aydın province in the west of Turkey. We have 58 solar energy panels on the roof of our school and we produce our own electricity. In this context, we are looking for partners for our […]

Partnership Mobility of Students school year 2024-2025 SPAIN

Dear all, We are currently looking for parthnerships to work on a European project. We would like to collab in Erasmus exchanges, jobshadowings, e-twinning collaboration…. overall any kind of experience. We are a bilingual Primary School in Cuenca, Spain, CEIP ISAAC ALBÉNIZ. This year we have collaborated with schools Check Republic, Germany and Slovakia. Our […]

Erasmus+ Job shadowing

We are Erasmus+ accredited Gargzdai Krantas progymnasium in Klaipeda district western Lithuania and at the moment we are planning job shadowing mobilities from 01-06-2024 to 31-08-2025.  Our students (in grades 1-8) are aged between 7-16. Also, there are 2 classes with special needs students. 73 teachers and educational support specialists work with about 850 students.  […]