SerGED Academy

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SerGED Academy is an international mobility centre  for education and training organisation founded in Antalya,Türkiye

we are providing mobility projects for all type schools and educational organisations.

we supporting mobility projects as hosting and sending organisation.


Available for

Partnership projects KA2

  • As applicant
  • As partner

Students Mobility

  • Hosting Students
  • Sending Students Abroad

Teachers Mobility

  • Hosting Teachers
  • Sending Teachers

Organization strengths

serged academy successfully conducts continuous professional development courses using its experienced and expert staff working within the body and strong collaborations at European level. It has competent expertise in the fields of Youth, Education, Training, Adult Education, Vocational Training. It has expertise in project management, professional development courses, vocational courses, social adaptation and inclusion, digital learning, project-based learning, collaborative learning. It uses close cooperation with public and private educational institutions and businesses in its region and at European level in its project works. EVBB is a member of the European Vocational Training Providers Association. It is a member of the European Training Foundation. It is one of the main partners of the TUTOR teacher academies project and a training center recognized by the European Commission as a teacher academy.