Type: Primary

Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü

KONYA İL MİLLİ EĞİTİM MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ KONYA – TÜRKİYE                                                                                                […]

Scoala Profesionala Ionel Teodoreanu Victoria

Scoala Profesională,,Ionel Teodoreanu” Victoria este o scoala aflata in zona de nord-est a Romaniei, la 28 km de orasul Iasi. Elevii scolii provin din comuna Victoria si din cele invecinate. Scoala are locatii in 3 sate ale comunei si cuprinde următoarele forme de invatamant preuniversitar: gradinita, invatamant primar, gimnazial profesional si liceu (632 de elevi). […]

Ahmet Şimşek İlkokulu

Yapay zeka ile eleştirel düşünme hakkında Erasmus+KA 122 SCH hazırlıyoruz. İş gölgeleme için bir okul arıyoruz

139 Primary School Zaharii Krusha

139 OU Zahariy Krusha Primary School has over 60 years of history. Located in the center of the most renowned area of the capital “Lozenets”, it is an attraction and a desirable place for parents to educate  their children . 139 OU “Zachary Krusha” offers its graduates a high quality educational process, by applying the […]

Kõrveküla Basic School

Our school, Kõrveküla Basic School, has approximately 700 students (ages 7-16) and approximately 70 teachers. In Estonia, students from grades 1 to 9 are in basic school together. Kõrveküla is located 5 km from Tartu, the second largest city in Estonia.  

Základní škola Světice, příspěvková organizace

Světice Primary School is located approximately 15 minutes by train from Prague. It is a village-type school. When it was founded, the main aim was to provide an alternative form of education for children in the surrounding area. However, due to suburbanisation, the school had to grow and the style of teaching at the school […]

Statutární město Ostrava

We are the City Hall of Ostrava in the Czech Republic and we have a consorcium of 5 primary/secondary schools in Ostrava. We are currently looking for hosting schools for our project “Talent Explorer”, that we have within The Erasmus+ Programme Individual Educational Mobility (KA1) program. We are very interested in exchanging experiences and enriching […]