Type: Comprehensive
LPO Balata
Direção Regional de Educação Madeira
Regional Directorate of Education is a public body in Madeira Island, which has a long experience with Erasmus+ Projects. We are accredited in School education, and have a high interest on your courses.
Birol Polat Özel Eğitim Anaokulu
Okulumuz 2023/2024 eğitim öğretim yılında açılmış olup 3-7 yaş arası çocuklar okul öncesi eğitim veren özel eğitim anaokuludur. Otizm spektrum bozukluğu, hafif zihinsel engellilik, çoklu engellilik, kronik hastalıklar, Down sendromu gibi tanıları olan 50 öğrenciye hizmet vermektedir. Okulumuzda 10 okul öncesi ve 10 özel eğitim öğretmeni görev yapmaktadır. İş gölgeleme için ev sahibi kurum arıyoruz. […]
I.C. “Toniolo” – Pieve di Soligo (TV)
We are a state comprehensive school “Toniolo” of Pieve di Soligo (Treviso), located in the north-east of Italy, in the middle of the Unesco hills site and at about 1 hour far from Venice. We are KA121-SCH accredited and we are interested in Erasmus+ teachers mobility. We have a nursery school (3-6 years old), 4 […]
Școala Gimnazială Nr. 11 Botoșani
School No. 11 in Botosani is recognized for the quality of its educational activity, providing equal opportunities to all students regardless of age, gender, and race, cultural and religious background. There are 1070 pre-primary, primary and middle school students who come from the school district, and even from neighbouring towns. There are eight groups of […]
Tirzas pamatskola
IC Giovanni Verga Viagrande
IC G. Verga Viagrande is a KA120 accredited school. The goals of the Erasmus Plan are digital transition, ecological transition, inclusion, European citizenship. The school is involved in a continuous process of internationalization and innovation. Age of pupils: 3-13 years. This year we have a KA121 project, funded by the National Agency. We are in […]