Istituto Comprensivo Pra’ Genova

You will be able to contact the Coordinator of this organization only once you have logged in or created an account.

Istituto Comprensivo Pra’ is a state school: 6 schools, located in 5 locations, from Childhood to secondary grade I. English and Spanish are taught. An element that distinguishes the IC Pra’ is the strong bond with the territory -the country of the famous “Pesto”- and the constant and collaborative presence of parents, companies, businesses, bodies and sports associations, all aimed at supporting the IC (retraining, donations of equipment…) Teachers live the school with passion and are particularly involved in the inclusion, support and informal paths of enhancement of students, even with afternoon openings.


Available for

Partnership projects KA2

  • As partner

Students Mobility

  • Hosting Students
  • Sending Students Abroad

Teachers Mobility

  • Hosting Teachers
  • Sending Teachers