Type: Comprehensive

Nazmi Toker Secondary school

Erasmus+Ka210-sch projemiz için ortak arıyoruz. Dezavantajlı öğrenciler için e çeşitliliğin dijitalleştirilmesi ve eğitimde çeşitlilik ile ilgili harika bir Erasmus projemiz var. Amacımız, metaverse birimi aracılığıyla dezavantajlı öğrencilerin eğitim kapasitesini geliştirmek. . Dijitalleştirilmiş bu materyalleri kullanarak dezavantajlı öğrencilerimizin daha kolay entegre olabilmelerini umuyoruz. Ayrıca bu projemizde öğretmenlerin daha fazla kapsayıcı eğitim alabilmeleri için eğitim verilmesini istiyoruz. […]

Istituto F.Tozzi-SIENA

Our school is in Siena a medieval city very near Florence and the airport of PISA-Bologna.It’s a comprehensive School with different levels of study from kindergarten to Middle School. We have a big experience of Erasmus+ project and we are an accredited school. We are interested in mobility of students and teachers.

Osmangazi Science and Art Center

We are an Educational, Scientific and Art Center in Türkiye. Our school educates gifted students and talented (at music and art) students from 7 to 16 years. We are looking for Erasmus+ cooperations for action key 1 and 2 for school education and youth.

ESSB Saint Benoît

Fruit d’une fusion des institutions Sainte-Agnès et Saint-Martin du centre-ville d’Angers dans le Maine-et-Loire, notre ensemble scolaire comprend, sur trois sites, deux écoles primaires, un collège, un lycée, des classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles scientifiques et un lycée “Nouveau départ”.

Istituto Comprensivo “M.L.King”

Our Institute is made up of five schools: pre-primary, primary and secondary school of low level. Our students’ age is 3-13. We are located in Northern Italy not far from Milan (about 70 km) and near beautiful lakes: Iseo and Garda. We have a long experience in Erasmus projects and at the moment we have […]

Kazım Taşkın İlkokulu

We have carried out more than 20 Erasmus+ mobility activities for about 8 years and hosted many schools from Europe. We work diligently to provide quality education with 400 students and 30 teachers. Our organization is a primary school and located in Tarsus district of Mersin province, the pearl of the Mediterranean. Approximately 25 km […]