Szent Imre Katolikus Általános Iskola és Jó Pásztor Óvoda, AMI

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The Szent Imre Catholic Primary School and Jó Pásztor Kindergarten, AMI is an institution with a joint kindergarten. We have 750 pupils between the age of 3-15 and 87 teachers. There are students from Eger and the surrounding area. Thanks to innovations, successful projects and dedicated teachers, the number of candidates have grown significantly in recent years. Our pupils participate in the internationalization of our school in all grades. We take an active part in eTwinning, Erasmus projects, short-term student exchanges. There is the possibility to get involved in media- related activities after school. We have a good relation with the local Szent István TV and Radio. English is taught from the first year of primary school and at the advanced level in upper primary school. In addition to talent management, there is an emphasis on integration in our school. Students with learning difficulties are supported by teachers for children with special needs. It is a roman catholic school with a lot of experience (Comenius, Erasmus, eTwinning). The European dimension is included in our teaming and curriculum content. Students have chances to take part in shaping Europe’s future and be conscious of their common European identity without losing their national roots. We have developed an educational program that gives priority to the development of pupils’ language, digital, social and environmental skills such as social competencies. We have also been awarded by the eTwinning School label. The methods we use are characterized by project-based teaching, the collaborative methods.



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Partnership projects KA2

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Students Mobility

  • Hosting Students
  • Sending Students Abroad

Teachers Mobility

  • Hosting Teachers
  • Sending Teachers