Our school is an accredited Primary school located in Szeged the south of Hungary, 1.5 hours from the capital. It is also called the Sun City beacuse the sun always shines and the streets form sun shines from above. We have a famous University, beautiful Art Nouve and historical buildings and two Nobel prize winner scientists.
Our school has two main profiles: foreign language teaching, English and sports. We are the basis of Pick Szeged Handball team, and you can try a lot of sports: climbing, tennis, football, swimming, floorball. We have got about 300 students from year 1 to year 8, ages between 6-16 years.
In our European project we focus on Menthal health, Leraning languages, Outdoor activites, Innovative learning and teaching methods, sustainability, European citizenship and digital education.
We are looking for partnerships in order to carry on projects and student mobilities and we are happy to host students as well.
Available for
Partnership projects KA2
- As applicant
- As partner
Students Mobility
- Hosting Students
- Sending Students Abroad
Teachers Mobility
- Hosting Teachers
- Sending Teachers
Organization strengths
Sports English Language Good atmosphere Innovative learning methods Inclusive area