Solymári Hunyadi Mátyás Német Nemzetiségi Általános Iskola

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We are a primary school in Solymár, the suburbs of Budapest in Hungary. We have
accreditation till 2027. Our project is about new ideas in language teaching, new teaching and learning methods, sustainability, and inclusion.

Our school has about 500 students aged 6-14. We teach English and German languages from grade 1. We also have a music faculty where our students can learn to play 14 different types of musical
instruments. We have a brass orchestra and a folk dance group, too.
We are interested in collaborating with schools, which can host 10 students on short-term mobilities     (5-10 days), and teachers doing job shadowing. We are open to receiving students and teachers in our school. (OID number: E10030565)

Available for

Students Mobility

  • Hosting Students
  • Sending Students Abroad

Teachers Mobility

  • Hosting Teachers
  • Sending Teachers