Obchodná akadémia is a secondary vocational school in Topoľčany, a town of about 30,000 inhabitants, situated in the south-western part of Slovakia. The social reality in which our school works, is characterized by low income and a higher unemployment rate. That is why our schools would like to be involved in Erasmus+ projects to create an opportunity of mobility, integration, maturation and growth for our students.
We have 340 students altogether. The youngest pupils are 15 years old and the oldest ones are 19 years old. There are 26 fully qualified teachers employed in the school. We work in an environment that is very friendly to our students, teachers and other staff. The school is equipped with special ICT classrooms and two language labs. Our school gives support to a further development of students. We see an opportunity to transform the traditional methodologies in the different subjects, towards newer ones, based on the use of new information technologies and communication.
After graduation students gain the qualification in economics but we provide language and general education as well. All of the pupils learn two foreign languages. Moreover the school is state examen centre for type-writing and ECDL courses are offered to students too. All our students study English as foreign language and as teachers we feel they deserve more chances to use it. This project will be a great opportunity to use their language skills mainly for those students who are from diverse social background families.
Obchodna akademia has been a partner of a 2015/17 project and feels eager to take part in a new one before because the school staff believes the exchange among the students. We strongly support and develop the awareness of different racial ethnical groups within modern Europe.
This project is a unique opportunity for our school to become a modern, creative and positive centre of the town of Topoľčany. We would like the school to be a constructive learning environment that educates young professionals to be creative and curious members of society.
Available for
Partnership projects KA2
- As partner
Students Mobility
- Sending Students Abroad
Teachers Mobility
- Sending Teachers