Kiskőrösi Petőfi Sándor Evangélikus Óvoda, Általános Iskola, Gimnázium és Technikum

You will be able to contact the Coordinator of this organization only once you have logged in or created an account.

We are a big Lutheran school in the south of Hungary. We have a kindergarten, a primary school and a secondary school. We are looking for partners for student mobilities, job shadowing and we are happy to host students and teachers. We can organise educational programmes for the students, we can focus on digitalization, sustainability and culture. We can organise cultural visits around Hungary, we are not far from Budapest, the Lake Balaton and other interesting cities like Szeged and Pécs.


Available for

Students Mobility

  • Hosting Students
  • Sending Students Abroad

Teachers Mobility

  • Hosting Teachers
  • Sending Teachers