Jagoda Truhelka Primary school

You will be able to contact the Coordinator of this organization only once you have logged in or created an account.

We are an elementary school working with 7 to 14-year-old students. We have about 450 students and about 60 employees.

We are one of the oldest and most renowned schools in the city with many mentor teachers, advisors, excellent advisors, and doctors of science. We often cooperate with various associations and institutions in the city, with faculties.

We successfully implement numerous national and international projects.

We have been implementing EU projects for the last 10 years. We received Erasmus accreditation for the period 2023 to 2027. So far, we have visited many schools abroad, attended many Erasmus courses, gone on Job shadowing several times and conducted several student mobility trips abroad. We have also hosted schools from abroad several times.
Around 50 mobility trips have been carried out through the Erasmus program so far, and more than half of the school’s employees have been involved in the project.




Available for

Partnership projects KA2

  • As partner

Students Mobility

  • Hosting Students
  • Sending Students Abroad

Teachers Mobility

  • Hosting Teachers
  • Sending Teachers

Organization strengths

The school is known for its numerous creative activities, fostering foreign languages, humanitarian work, ecology, efficient use of ICT and web tools, and modern methodological approaches to education.