IES Mariana Pineda

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IES Mariana Pineda is a bilingual public high school and upper levels high school. Among the different programmes and projects about educational innovation that are being developed at our center, we have the Erasmus school education project KA-122 during the 23-24 school year, and also we enjoyed it last academic course. Our current project is about “Deeping in computational thinking and STEM promotion in secondary school. Attention to diversity through active methodologies “. From this initiative we intend to offer new learning and training opportunities to our students and staff, allowing the continuous improvement of the center.


Available for

Students Mobility

  • Hosting Students
  • Sending Students Abroad

Teachers Mobility

  • Hosting Teachers
  • Sending Teachers

Organization strengths

STEM, Robotics, Attention to diversity, Co-education, Cooperative Learning, Inclusion, Bilingual Education.