GO! Scholengroep Xpert supervises a group of schools in the north of Limburg (Belgium).
It contains 16 pre-primary and primary schools, 9 schools for secondary education of which 3 schools that also provide VET-education (technical, professional and dual educational programs).
We have both experienced and newcomer partnerschools in the field of SCHOOL and VET.
We are open to send and host participants (both educational and non-educational staff and learners between 3-19)
We have amongst our partners also 2 schools for special needs education.
Available for
Students Mobility
- Hosting Students
- Sending Students Abroad
Teachers Mobility
- Hosting Teachers
- Sending Teachers
Organization strengths
STEaM Education Innovative approaches to teaching Support learners with fewer opportunities + support highly-gifted learners VR and AR Co- and teamteaching Reading and calculating methodologies for primary schools Etc...