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The Educational and Psychopedagogical Guidance Team (EOEP) ​​of Totana is a public institution dependent on the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Employment of the Region of Murcia. It constitutes the technical support of the guidance in the stages of early childhood education and primary education of a total of 33 educational centers distributed in 5 municipalities of the Community. (Annex II: List of centers with direct intervention of the EOEP of Totana) The Totana EOEP is made up of an interdisciplinary team of 14 professionals, including: 9 counselors, 1 community services teacher and 4 physiotherapists. (Annex I: Totana EOEP Organization Chart)
Its management team, made up of a director and a secretary, is responsible for the coordination and supervision of all the guidance and advice actions carried out from it. Currently, the EOEP also
has the Erasmus+ project coordinator in order to centralize all the actions carried out around
to European programs.


The main task of the EOEP is to carry out the psycho-pedagogical evaluations and opinions required for the adequate schooling of students who present special educational needs and high intellectual abilities, as well as for the monitoring and support of their educational process. However, it also performs tasks related to the early detection of special educational needs and guidance and support for families in order to optimal development of their children, focusing their actions on early childhood education and primary education.
Likewise, within its responsibilities is collaboration with the guidance services of the centers of
secondary education and special education centers in the Region of Murcia.


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Organization strengths

The Educational and Psychopedagogical Guidance Team (EOEP) ​​of Totana carries out the following main activities: 1. Identification of students with specific educational support needs (ACNEAE) and prevention of learning difficulties learning and/or personal development. 2. Advice on school coexistence. 3. Advice and collaboration with teachers in the transfer of information from students to ESO. 4. Identification and response to students with high abilities. 5. Establishment of fluid relationships between the center and families. 6. Advice on the Tutorial Action Plan. 7. Program for the identification and orientation of the educational needs of students with rare diseases for the improvement of its educational response. The learning program promoted by our organization is a school education program focused in the advice and guidance of all its target groups: teachers, students and families. The profiles we work with are: 1. Students enrolled in Open Classrooms with significant special educational needs (ACNEE) associated with Autism Spectrum Disorders, multiple disabilities and Serious Behavior and Communication Disorders. 2. Students with special educational needs (ACNEE) associated with intellectual, physical or sensory disabilities. 3. Students with specific educational support needs (ACNEAE) associated with learning difficulties (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dysorthography, Specific Disorder Language and Non-Verbal Learning Disorder). 4. Compensatory education students due to late integration into the educational system, lack of knowledge of the language or adverse experiences in childhood. 5. Ordinary students. Their ages include different educational stages: 1. Early Care: 0 to 3 years. 2. Early Childhood Education: 3 to 6 years. 3. Primary Education: 6 to 12 years.