Atatürk Primary School

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Our school is a central school located in Çine district of Aydın province in the west of Turkiye. Our school started education on 05.02.1940 and still continues its education and training activities at the primary school level in the field of basic education. In addition to our main activities, our school provides special education, mainstreaming and integration education and bussed education for students in need. There are 504 students and 25 teachers in our school. Primary school students aged 7-10 receive education in our school. The foreign language is English. Our school is built on an area of 10549 m2. Our school has 26 classrooms, 1 Z-library, 1 multi-purpose hall, 1 canteen, 1 dining hall, 1 information technologies class, 1 mind and intelligence games class.


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