Tolna Vármegyei SzC Apáczai Csere János Technikum és Kollégium has a long history. It is true to its traditions and able to renew itself. It conveys values, speaks and acts in the language of today’s students.
The main profile of my institution is economics, transport, IT and telecommunications, law enforcement and public service and the pedagogical education.
The goal at all times is to qualify professionals who can put their knowledge to good use coming out of the school walls. Our students not only acquire a profession but also obtain a high school diploma during the five years of their education ( so the path to higher education is also open to them).
We have been engaged in Erasmus+ programmes for many years and are open to new ideas and projects.
Available for
Partnership projects KA2
- As applicant
- As partner
Students Mobility
- Sending Students Abroad
Teachers Mobility
- Sending Teachers