SMS Car Samoil Resen

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Secondary Municipal School Car Samoil is located in Resen and it has tradition since 1970 year. We have three kinds of education. It includes students from first year to fourth year, aged 14-19. The total number of students is around 300 and there are 49 teachers. The subjects taught include Macedonian, English , French,  Turkish , Albanian, Latin, Maths,  Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, PE, Music, Art, Computer Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Economic subjects and  Vocational Agricultural Subjects. Students learn through programmes developed by the Ministry of Education.

The teaching process is ongoing on three languages including Macedonian language which is the main language, and Turkish and Albanian language for the students of Turkish and Albanian nationality, respectively.

The school teachers would be the key people in charge of running the projects, and the main goal is to develop and improve its project. Students will exchange good ideas and practices regarding project issues, they will familiarize themselves with different issues and with. Our goal is the students to overcome their differences, to make them aware of certain problems. We want them to become responsible citizens.

This will provide multicultural cooperation and improvement of the projects awareness of students, and teachers.

With respect and developement of one individual’s abilities and with usage of modern and efficient methods and activities as drama, art, ecological actions and workshops, creating leaflets with themes contents  which will help in the idea conjoined to create a quality spent time, and getting an effective result. All students will have an opportunity to express their abilities, skills and knowledge in front of their classmates, to collaborate together, and to have an opportunity to study in ecological and modern classrooms and learn while observing.


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Partnership projects KA2

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