Piramatiko Likio Rethimnou Panepistimiou Kritis is a Senior High School providing general education. It has 240 pupils aged 15 – 18 from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds, and 33 teachers who are experienced and trained with a Master/Doctorate degree & expertise in teaching methodology. The philosophy of the institution is to develop a culture which is open to collective responsibility as a fundamental element of school life, and introduce creativity in everyday school practice and scientific as well as pedagogical innovation. At the same time, it provides for both pupils with special educational needs & gifted and talented ones. By running Clubs, the school uses the framework of creative pedagogy, which is crucial for learning, to further develop pupils’ cognitive abilities & skills. Apart from that, the above-mentioned scientific and pedagogical innovation of the school is supported by its cooperation with Crete University. In addition, the staff is experienced in adopting best practices as they yearly get involved in school activities related to environmental, cultural & health education, career guidance and entrepreneurship. The school offers a wide range of extracurricular and cross-curricular activities and employs new methods of non-formal and informal learning to meet pupils’ needs and interests and improve their social skills. It regularly takes part in sports and cultural events as well as competitions in literature, philosophy, foreign languages, rhetoric and fields of STEM education and has won nationwide awards. It has also organized successfully the simulation of the European level and theater script writing competition. Finally, it has been carrying out several European projects, like eTwinning and Erasmus+ about European Identity”, Democracy and human rights, drama techniques, health and nutrition, climate change, digital marketing, VR in secondary education, Media Literacy and Environment etc.
Available for
Partnership projects KA2
- As applicant
- As partner
Students Mobility
- Hosting Students
- Sending Students Abroad
Teachers Mobility
- Hosting Teachers
- Sending Teachers