School: Nikiforeio 1st Gymnasium of Kalymnos
OID: E10129459
The Nikiforeio 1st Gymnasium of Kalymnos is a public high school located on the frontier island of Kalymnos in the South Aegean. Despite the multiple problems and obstacles that we face due to the financial and geographic isolation that comes with living on our island, through hard work and personal sacrifices we manage to be an educational organism with high standards and goals, with significant achievements, and a deep rooted need of extroversion and internationalisation.
We have realised etwinning projects with schools from Italy and Slovenia. During six years we collaborated and offered hospitality to colleagues and students from the Netherlands. On the other hand, our Theatre Group in the pro COVID era produced performances and participated in international theatre festivals, for example we participated in the “Olympia in Dion” international theatre festival with our performance of Aristofanes’ “Assemblywomen” in September of 2017. We used to publish a monthly school newspaper, and we were awarded for the poster, set design and costumes of our short movie “The Legend of the Seven Virgins” in the school competition “CineLearning”.
Furthermore, in our school we create notable environmental programmes each year, we organise educational visits to the Greek Parliament, that aim at fostering the values of actively participating in democratic procedures, and our students excel in international and Panhellenic competitions.
We consciously strive to cultivate good practices aiming at creating a better school climate while strengthening the mental wellness of educators, students and parents. However, besides all the multifaceted problems we already faced, many problems have come to surface due to the COVID and lockdown situation, affecting society, families and schools.
Available for
Partnership projects KA2
- As applicant
Students Mobility
- Hosting Students
- Sending Students Abroad
Teachers Mobility
- Sending Teachers