Istituto Comprensivo Cosenza III Via Negroni

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IC Cosenza III “Roberta Lanzino” Via Negroni – Cosenza is a school which has got different degrees of education: Nursery school (3-6 years old), Primary School (6-10 years old), Lower Secondary School (11-14 years old). It is also the Reference School for the school in hospital of our region, Calabria.

The Institute grasps the needs of its own socio-cultural context implementing growth and renewal processes to students and the whole educational community, offering training opportunities at European and international levels, thanks to the Erasmus+ programme and accreditation until 2027 (KA120 for School education).

Our school is inclusive in that we welcome many pupils with special needs and integrate them into classrooms and learning processes for social promotion and enhancing quality. We also consistently apply cooperative learning methodologies. Our school is innovative as it applies new technologies (didactics and materials) to achieve higher goals.


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Partnership projects KA2

  • As partner

Students Mobility

  • Hosting Students
  • Sending Students Abroad

Teachers Mobility

  • Hosting Teachers
  • Sending Teachers