IPEP Cádiz (Spain)

You will be able to contact the Coordinator of this organization only once you have logged in or created an account.

We are the I.P.E.P (Instituto Provincial de Educación Permanente) and we are located in Cádiz, Andalusia, Spain. Cádiz is on the southwest coast, a three-thousand-year old city of great cultural and scenic value. Surrounded by the ocean, our city has become the ideal tourist destination in the Atlantic Coast. Additionally, our province provides visitors the opportunity to enjoy the mountain and a magnificent architecture.

As well as your institution, the IPEP offers a wide range of educational modalities for adult learners and it is the reference both for Cádiz’s and other provinces’ population. Our educational offer includes presence-based learning, blended learning and e-learning.

My school has been involved in a KA-122-ADU project since September, 2023. The main objective is to fight school dropout in adult population. A special focus is put in:

1.- Motivation towards learning and studies (together with acquiring digital skills. DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION).
2.- Personal enrichment, giving the opportunity of a HIGH STANDARD EDUCATION to learners in economic disadvantage and learners who need to work to support themselves (related to INCLUSION AND DIVERSITY).
3.- Exchange experiences at an European Level for both teachers and students as a way to involve all of us in democratic life, common values and civic engagement.


Available for

Partnership projects KA2

  • As applicant
  • As partner

Students Mobility

  • Hosting Students
  • Sending Students Abroad

Teachers Mobility

  • Hosting Teachers
  • Sending Teachers