Our school is a Secondary School located in Esparreguera, a city near Barcelona (35 Km more or less).
We have an Erasmus+ KA-121 acreditation since 2022 so we are still working on it.
Check our project web for further details: https://erasmusaelcastell.blogspot.com/
Available for
Partnership projects KA2
- As partner
Students Mobility
- Hosting Students
- Sending Students Abroad
Teachers Mobility
- Hosting Teachers
- Sending Teachers
Organization strengths
One of our strenghs are the foreign language learning. In fact, we prepare our students for official accreditation in English, French and German (First Certificate, DELF and Goethe) We have a wide experience in international projects since 2016, when we did our first Job Shadowing in Norway. Since then, we have partipated in differents etwinning ans exchange projects with Norway, Finland and Germany.