CEEDCV (Centre Específic d’Educació a Distància de la Comunitat Valenciana)

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The CEEDCV is the only public and free centre in the Valencian Community (SPAIN), with a complete and high quality offer of distance studies for adults.

We offer baccalaureate studies, training courses and adult education. We also prepare for university entrance exams for people over 25 years of age, for access to training cycles, and for access to plastic arts and design.

Finally, we also offer language courses in German, Italian, French, English and Valencian at different levels.

All these studies are offered at a distance through virtual learning platforms.


Available for

Partnership projects KA2

  • As partner

Students Mobility

  • Sending Students Abroad

Teachers Mobility

  • Hosting Teachers
  • Sending Teachers

Organization strengths

-Previous experience in the implementation and management of European Programmes. -Great interest and willingness of the teaching staff to reactivate activities within Erasmus+. -Diversity of teaching in the centre, with a part focused on the teaching of European languages. -Willingness to share good practices and organise conferences focused on improving teaching. -Full support and involvement of our management team in the resumption of the European Programmes. -The teaching staff has a high level of digital competence, with knowledge of the use of different technologies, tools for the creation of resources, repositories, etc. -The centre has established synergies and collaborations with other centres and organisations.