Ambitio College Adult Education Institution (ACAEI) is an adult education and VET provider with 10 years of experience in providing formal (reskilling and upskilling) and non-formal training programmes in the field of health, tourism, soft skills and sports. It is focused on the development and implementation of education programmes which enable easier employment in the labour market (professional and essential skills) and further professional development. It has 10 years of experience in developing and implementing e-learning contents and providing e-learning platforms. It has experience in developing materials focused on innovate teaching and learning and e-learning and considerable 8 years experience in EU project management. ACAEI established years long cooperation and partnership with highly recognized Croatian institutions – Croatian Dental Chamber, Clinical Hospital Center Zagreb and Dental Polyclinic Zagreb and it participate at conferences in adult education, dental medicine, and tourism. Also, it is a member of Croatian Andragogy Society and the Community for Adult Education of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. It cooperates with Croatian Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education on establishment of a quality management system in adult education. It is a part of the new Regional Centre of Competence Mlinarska in the health sector in Croatia. ACAEI has experience in publishing first two textbooks for dental assisting in Croatia in the framework of Centre of Competence Mlinarska.
Available for
Partnership projects KA2
- As applicant
- As partner
Students Mobility
- Hosting Students
- Sending Students Abroad
Teachers Mobility
- Hosting Teachers
- Sending Teachers