I am a Math’s Teacher at 6th Gymnasium of Larissa-Greece. Larissa is a big city in central Greece. I don’t teach Math’s only.I have also taught Geography, Physics, Chemistry and Biology in the past.I am also a singer of Mixed Choir of Larissa. I would like to inform you that my school has done and still does many ERASMUS+ programs. I am interesting in visiting your school from your city for job-shadowing or Teacher’s training-assignments. My pupils age are between 13-15 years(lower secondary education). My school has ERASMUS+ accreditation! If you are interesting in my proposal in being potential partners and doing a project together in this subject, please let me know about it. I am certain that could be benefit for both parties.
Thank you in advance.Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards
Panos Rebapis
Teacher of Math’s and singer
Available for
Partnership projects KA2
- As applicant
- As partner
Teachers Mobility
- Hosting Teachers
- Sending Teachers