Save Environment with 3R’s

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Deadline to apply: 31/08/2023

The aim of our project was to educate students from partner countries to apply ecological principles and behaviors according to the 3R paradigm (reduction, reuse and recycling), for a sustainable development, in accordance with European priorities supported by Erasmus+ projects.

The objectives of the project were:

O1. The acquisition of conscious civic attitudes about the importance of climate change and sustainable environmental development by 48 students by applying the 3R paradigm (reduction, reuse, recycling) until August 31, 2023;

O2. Development of scientific and technical knowledge and skills for quality ecological education in sustainable environmental protection to at least 80% of direct and indirect beneficiaries by the end of the project;

O3. Personal development, self-esteem, critical thinking, creativity, as well as interdisciplinary cooperation in 48 students until August 31, 2023.

O4. Learning “coexistence” by cultivating communication skills, as well as respect for the values ​​and cultural characteristics of other partners, by 48 students and 12 teachers until August 31, 2023.

Looking for Partners specialized in

  • Secondary
  • VET

What qualities we seek in potential partners

Hardworking partners.


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